Currently Obsessed With: April 2016

Currently Obsessed With is a once-a-month (but sometimes more) feature where I talk about about my favorite things from the last month!

Currently Obsessed With

It’s May!  I can’t believe it’s May already!  I found a dress for my cousin’s wedding this month- I’m glad I found one, because I kept putting it off, and if I hadn’t found one…I think I would have been scrambling!  And I’ve been feeling a little sick for the last week or so, but I think I’m mostly over it, so that’s good.  Other then dress-shopping and and feeling a little sick, April was pretty boring, but at least this month will be really fun!  Plus, my birthday’s this month too, so that makes it even better!


I’ve been crocheting a lot this month!  I’ve made slippers (that ended up being a little too big, but whatever), a soap saver, and I’ve finished a couple of blankets.  I’m still working on one for me (using this pattern, it seems to be my go-to pattern for blankets), and I’ll be adding yellow next, then blue, and after that, I’m not sure.

Crochet- April 2016 Collage

I really like the idea of granny square blankets.  For one thing, it’s really easy, and after about 3 or so rows, I don’t have to think about it, because it’s so repetitive- in a good way, though.  Two, it’s easy to make it as big or as small as you need it to be.  I’ve used the same pattern for 3 finished blankets, and one currently in progress, and it’s easy to customize the size to what you want/need it to be.  And three, you don’t need to worry about the sides getting all crooked, or stitch count or anything.  Which is partly why it’s such an easy pattern.

I really wish I thought to get a picture of the soap saver before I starting using it.  This pattern is pretty awesome, but I don’t know that it’s best if you’re using the last little bits of the soap bar. They keep coming out, so if I make another one, I might try going down a hook size or two to see how that works.

I have a few projects in mind, so I might start on one of those.  Especially since it’s going to start getting a lot warmer, and working on a blanket won’t be very practical.  It’s big enough to cover me up when I’m working on it, and it’s pretty warm, so I might have to set aside once it gets too warm to work on it.


Not a lot of book buying happened last month.  I got Naughts & Crosses from Audible, and I have a bunch of e-books on hold for the library- I’m hoping I get at least some of them in time for my trip up to Oregon, but even if I don’t, I still have plenty of reading material!


I finished re-watching Grey’s Anatomy, and I’ve since picked up my re-watch of NCIS!  That’s really it, other than my random assortment of shows I watch.  Plus the stuff on my Netflix queue that I’ve been putting off in favor of re-watching Grey’s and NCIS.

As for movies, I’m excited about seeing Captain America!  Really, really excited!  I never did make it to see Allegiant, but I know there’s another one coming out next year, so I’ll just have to catch up before then.

Around The Internet:

This post about criticizing characters with mental illness very accurately describes my struggle with reviewing diverse characters in general.  It’s very interesting to think about!

I love, love, love this post at The Perpetual Page Turner about reading Harry Potter at the age of 30.  All experiences with Harry Potter are magical!

And reading as a blogger vs reading as a reader…this post is worth checking out!  How I read now is very, very different, but I think it’s still possible to read as a reader/for pleasure instead of reading critically.

I’ve been on an enchilada kick lately, and these chicken and spinach enchiladas look really, really good!  Having I don’t know how many things of chicken in the freezer because of 50% off sales on chicken at the grocery store almost every single time I go means I need a lot of chicken recipes. Good thing I have some shredded chicken in the freezer!

I don’t usually make pancakes, and when I do, I definitely reach for the box of Bisquick, but these Funfetti pancakes look really good.

I do tend to eat oatmeal for breakfast during the week, and this DIY oatmeal packet seems like a far easier and cheaper option than buying the pre-made packets!


I haven’t been listening to much music, but there are a few songs I’ve been listening to a lot!  I’m feeling lazy, so no spotify this time, but maybe next month, I’ll have more new music!

  • Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson.  For some reason, this song makes me cry.  A lot.  But I love it anyway!
  • Also: 7 Years by Lukas Graham.  A couple lines make no sense (and one sort of bothers me), but overall, I really like this song!
  • And New Romantics by Taylor Swift.  I’ve been listening to it a lot lately.

Have an awesome week!

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