Currently Obsessed With #5: It’s Summer Already!

Currently Obsessed With is a monthly feature where I talk about my favorite stuff and interesting things from the last month and also where I talk about what’s been going on in my life!

No month seems complete with talking about nail polish!  I actually opted to skip May’s box because I wasn’t into any of the colors.  And oddly enough, I’ve been slightly bored with my nail polish collection, which is kind of ridiculous, since I have way too much nail polish for me to be bored with what I have.

So, my birthday was yesterday!  I actually ended up not doing much of anything.  Partly because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but also because I wasn’t super-into actually doing anything.  It’s weird, because I’m finding that more and more, I care less and less about celebrating my birthday.  It really is just another day to me, but I feel really self-conscious about not really wanting to do anything.  I just feel like not wanting to do anything makes me weird…almost like something’s wrong that I don’t want to do anything.  Those feelings didn’t last for very long, but I actually had fun watching t.v.  And I made a spice cake from the Joy The Baker cookbook, and it was really good!  I’m definitely going to be making it again!

June Crochet Collage

Left: Cowl, Right: Infinity Scarf

Actually, I ended up going to Michael’s yesterday, which was fun.  I somehow managed to walk out with no yarn whatsoever, which is surprising, since I love buying yarn.  But I also have a decent yarn stash, so I really shouldn’t be buying any more yarn.  Unless I absolutely need it for a project.  I haven’t done much with my blanket, since it’s been ridiculously hot lately.  It’s just big enough to not take with me to yarn group or to work…but it’s still small enough that I wouldn’t roast under it.  But I still wasn’t in a blanket kind of mood, so I’ve been working on a scarf and a cowl.  I’m definitely going to have to go get some more grey yarn for my scarf from 2 Sisters.  And I may start crocheting a beret at some point, but that might wait a while.  Or it could be soon, depending on how bored I am with the scarf and the cowl.

I’ve actually been into cider this last month!  I drink very, very rarely (holidays mostly) but for some reason, cider seemed really good one day at the store, so I picked up some Angry Orchard, and I actually like it more than I expected!

Cookbooks June  2014

This is my only slow cooker cookbook, but I’m already in love with it!

Cider is making me think of the kitchen!  It’s been so warm (low 90’s) that I’ve been using the crockpot quite a bit.  And if it’s going to be this warm all summer, I’ll be using the crockpot a lot more.  Summer is actually my favorite time to use the crockpot because I don’t want to turn the oven on or stand over a hot stove, so the crockpot is perfect for summer, where I pretty much throw food in the crockpot and not have to worry about it.  I’m actually a big fan of this crockpot blog, and I have her most recent cookbook, which I’ve already used several times!  It’s already one of my favorites, and I can’t wait to use it again.

Speaking of t.v…I started watching Scandal and I’m all caught up for season 4.  I’ve only seen a few minutes here and there, and I can’t believe it took me a while to watch it.  I’m definitely looking forward to the next season.  And now that pretty much everything is done for the summer, I’m going to have plenty of time to catch up on stuff.  Like Pretty Little Liars and Revenge. And I keep finding shows I’ve decided I need to watch, so eventually, I’ll be making my way through my netflix queue.  (I hope).

I’ve actually come across quite a few really cool articles.  Like, this one article a friend sent me about this 13-year-old girl who self-published her two novels.  And Rolling Stone put together a list of the 40 Best YA novels.  It is a slideshow, so if that’s not your thing, here they are in non-slideshow form.  Also: feeling dumb while reading and why book-buying at a physical bookstore is a privilege.

Oh!  I was so sad to hear about Maya Angelou.  I read I Know Why The Caged Bird Singed years ago, and really liked it, and I also have one of her books of poetry, which I also read years ago.  I really regret not reading more of her stuff, and I really want to now.  It is a little sad that it took her death to be more interested in reading her stuff.

As for music, I haven’t been in much of a music mood.  I still LOVE the new Lindsay Stirling album, and there are a couple songs I keep listening to.

1- Sleeping With A  Friend by Neon Trees.  I shared this one in my last Top Ten Tuesday post, and it’s definitely one of my current favorites for unknown reasons.

2- Hall Of Fame by The Script.  This is another song from my last Top Ten Tuesday, but it’s another current favorite that has a way of making me feel better.

That’s it for now!  Until next time!