Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Beach Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely folks over at The Broke And The Bookish.  Every week, bloggers from all over share their own top ten list based on the topic of the week.  You can find all Top Ten Tuesdays here.

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Beach Books

Summer is one of my favorite times of year to read, so it’s probably good that I live in a place where it feels like summer for most of the year!  I really need to do more reading at the beach!  I’ve decided to do a combination of books I think every one should read this summer, and books I want to read this summer, since both seem like a really good idea this week!

Books That Should Be In Your Beach Bag

  1. My Best Friend, Maybe by Caela Carter.  I feel like I’ve talked about this one a bunch lately, but it’s a sweet story, and perfect for summer!
  2. Moonglass by Jessi Kirby.  I don’t know why but a book set at the beach seems like a good book to have in your beach bag.
  3. The Statistical Probability Of Love At First Sight by Jennifer Smith.  I’m sure I’m the last person on earth to read this, but if you haven’t, it’s a cute, fun story!
  4. Gulp by Mary Roach.  Who knew that a book about the digestive system could be so entertaining?  It’s definitely an interesting summer read.
  5. Witchstruck by Victoria Lamb.  This is a fun paranormal historical fiction, and I thought the two went really well together!

Books That Will Be In My Beach Bag

  1. Wither by Lauren DeStefano.  This book has been on my TBR-pile for ages, so I would love to actually read it sometime this summer.
  2. The ever-generic answer of romance novels.  I feel like I say this ever summer and never follow through on it.  But summer and romance seem to go well together.
  3. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han.  I’m just totally in the mood to re-read this series over the summer.
  4. Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl.  I’ve been looking forward to reading this one ever since I heard that there was going to be a Beautiful Creatures spin-off.
  5. Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols.  This one seems right up my alley, and it seems like a great summer read.

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